EG Titanium wheat (PBR)

EG Titanium is a full season wheat, with a broad planting window.

TARGET AREAS:  South Australian Mallee, Victorian Mallee, New South Wales and Queensland.

EG Titanium is well suited to an early break (early May) and main season planting in medium to high rainfall zones. EG Titanium has excellent early vigour which assists in weed control and has excellent harvestability.

Key features

  • Full season
  • All rounder
  • Variable rain fall
  • Adaptability
  • Classification (pending): AH Southern, APW Northern and APW Western Australia.
  • High yield
  • Early planting option
  • Early vigour
  • Good maturity
  • Good harvestability.

Disease resistance ratings

EG Titanium Suntop LRPB Spitfire EGA Gregory
Stem Rust MS MR-MS MR MR
Stripe Rust R-MR R-MS MR MR
Leaf Rust MS-S MR S R-MR/MS(P)
Yellow Leaf Spot MS-S MS-S MS-S S
Septoria Tritici MS-S MS-S S MS-S
Cereal Cyst Nemotode R S MS S
P. Neglectus Res  S S MS-S S
P. Thornei Res S MR-MS MS MS-S
Crown Rot MS-S MS-S MS S
Common Root Rot  MS-S MS MS-S MS-S
Black Point MS-S MS-S MS-S MS-S
Flag Smut MR R MS-S MS-S

Key: R Resistant MR Moderately Resistant MS Moderately Susceptible S Susceptible VS Very Susceptible
Source: Edstar Genetics 2020.

End point royalty (EPR)

  • $3.00 (+GST) per tonne applies to grain production

Seed availability

EG Titanium is available through all national rural resellers.

See our find a stockist page and use our interactive map to find your local outlet.

This variety is registered under Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) in Australia. Information provided here is a guide only.
Results can vary greatly depending on climate, soil and local circumstances. This information sheet should not be used as a replacement for expert advice or judgement. Conditions for Sale and Restrictions on Use are listed on the bag and should be referred to. All liability is excluded to the full extent permitted by law.