Graza 53 is a mid-long season oat with good rust resistance to current strains.
TARGET AREAS: Australia wide.
Some of Graza 53’s features include high palatability and feed quality, a broad long-leaf structure, early vigour and quick recovery from grazing.
Suitable for most soil types, Graza 53 is a versatile all-rounder for producers who require grazing, hay or silage production.
Graza 53 achieves a high degree of dry weather tolerance over other oats of similar maturity and can produce high dry matter production after second and third grazings.
Key features
- Graza 53 is known for its broad, long leaf structure
- Suited to most soil types
- Responds best to more frequent light grazing rather than severe defoliations early in the growing period
- Early vigour and quick recovery after grazing
- Fast establishment/fast recovery.
- High palatability and forage quality are two strong points for this line
- Ideal in dryland regions from 400mm plus through to irrigation
- Good level of leaf rust resistance to current strains
- Very versatile oat for grazing/forage or hay.
Seed availability
Graza 53 forage oats is available through all national rural resellers.
See our find a stockist page and use the interactive map to find your local outlet.